Raven Dream Tracking


They take us in, coax, whisper, and engage us in ways that lead us more fully into being. They show us new constellations to navigate by, prepare us in practical ways by seeping truth into our bones, or shock us with some new lightning awareness. Dreams act as wild elemental forces leaving their prints upon us. Within them are specific rivers of language, ancient pools of emotion, and vast seas of imagination. They speak in a mythic language of old and offer energetic pathways that lead to deeper understandings allowing us to glimpse the geography of our soul. Dreams are as personal as they are collective, containing an ecology of wisdom for the whole community. Like an epic poem, an old riddle or an outrageous drama they carefully nurture the life essence of insight. A hidden threshold awaits those who dare to go further…


Listen Friends, dreams are more than you think. They aren’t just psychoanalytical tools, or insubstantial nightly thoughts, “out there”, or remnant static of the brain. Dreams are alive - a fierce viable presence. They have been my most honorable teachers. They embody elemental wisdom, are invaluable maps, and an incredible inner compass - navigation at its finest. By learning the language of dreams you ally yourself with a force of nature that can carry you like no other. Dreams hold us to who we accurately are, with straight edged honesty. They draw us forth towards our own code, our own integrity, our unique path. They lure us into leadership and landscapes of life unexplored. Dreams give us that poetic and mythic depth - that ever creative and generative energy that enlivens the spirit in the best people you see. And they await you unerringly, nightly after night, while you sleep.


I can teach you how to make dreams practical in your own life. The Iroquois were dream hunters, they scouted dreams for game and for enemies. Today this translates into resilience and self-reliance; finding our own sustenance and being aware of dangers within and without. Part of being an initiated adult is anchored and mentored by a relationship with dreams. This otherworldly skill can be learned. Ancient cultures believed dreams prepared us for death and what comes after. Dreams have honed me into an edge that discerns illusion from truth. They can make us whole in our striving to become all of ourselves. They infuse us with mythic storylines and identity, reveal hidden talents, and bring to light the shadows that rob us of vitality. They uncover our blind spots. Dreams are a lost birthright, an evolutionary inheritance, and a powerful gift to claim.


The following is an epic story that started with a tiny dream on “The Dreams That Shape Us” Podcast

- The Antelope and the Thawing of the Glacial Heart -


Of Ravens and Wolves, Of Men Dreaming as a Pack: A Conversation in The Dreamer’s Den with Leilani Navar:
