Let’s Make Dreams more Real, and Reality more Dream-like…
Find out more about Raven Dream Tracking on a free face to face call with me. I’ll answer any questions, dive into a dream, and direct you towards, or customize a pathway that speaks to your curiosity, need and experience.
1 hour sessions: singular or for repeated weekly sessions. Since dreams are multilayered and speak about many different things at once, our trajectory will focus on learning your unique dream language. I’ll teach you how to create a deep relationship with your dreams and give you practical tools for understanding and applying them to your life in powerful imaginative ways. Cost: $80
Experience the wizardry of dream hunting together with a squad of four men. Together as a metaphorical wolf pack, rather than a lone wolf, we are much more capable at seeing the dream for what it is. We can hold each other accountable and honor each others truth. Dreams are for the community after all and another man’s dream has the power to alter your own life irrevocably. The weave of group dreaming is an amazing thing to witness. Typically this is 8 weekly 2 hour sessions. Cost: $700
Dream Scout Apprenticeship
For those serious about becoming a dream scout, this advanced course leaves you with the skills to track, teach dreamwork and facilitate groups. We learn how dreams are for the community, how places themselves dream. I believe in self reliance and will teach you how to have a running engagement with your own dreams and how to work generatively with others dreams. We will customize this course to suit your needs. Possible Topics Covered: The Language of Dreams, Elemental Dreams, The Feral Body of Dreams, Tracking Strategies, Archetypal Psychology, Acting on Dreams, Skillful Questioning of Dreams, and much more. Prerequisite: Participation in basic Dream Tracking courses. Typically 12 personal 1 hour weekly sessions. Cost $1000